01 Jun what is Bank Instrument
Meaning of Banking Instrument

what is Bank instrument, Bank instrument provider, Bank instrument leasing, lease bg/sblc
A Bank Instrument is a financial instrument issued by a bank to a customer or investor and used for different financial solutions and purposes.
Examples of Banking instruments include Bank Guarantees (BG), Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Deferred Letter of Credit (DLC), Medium Term Notes (MTN), Long Term Notes (LTN), Letter’s of Credit (DLC’s LC’s and SBLC’s, cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, credit notes etc.
We offer Monetization of Bank Instruments such as BG and SBLC @ 80% LTV which is one of the highest in the industry.
What is StandBy Letter of Credit (SBLC)? A standby letter of credit (SLOC) is a legal document that guarantees a bank’s commitment of payment to a seller in the event that the buyer–or the bank’s client–defaults on the agreement. A standby letter of credit helps facilitate international trade between companies that don’t know each other and have different laws and regulations. Although the buyer is certain to receive the goods and the seller certain to receive payment, a SLOC doesn’t guarantee the buyer will be happy with the goods. A standby letter of credit can also be abbreviated SBLC.
What is Bank Guarantee? is a kind of guarantee from a financing organization. The bank guarantee signifies a lending institution ensures that the liabilities of a debtor is going to be met. In other words, if the debtor is unsuccessful to settle a debt, the bank will cover it. A bank guarantee allows the customer, or debtor, to acquire goods, purchase equipment or draw down a loan. A bank guarantee is a promise from a bank or other lending institution that if a particular borrower defaults on a loan, the bank will cover the loss.
Grand City Investment Limited is a Hong Kong based Financial Services Provider that was incorporated on MAY 29, 1984 with Company Registration No. 0137353.
We are Lease Bank Guarantee Providers, Letter of Credit, Lease Standby Letter of Credit, Insurance & Wealth Management, Portfolio Management, Asset Management, Bank Instrument Monetization, Lease BG, Lease SBLC, Bank Guarantee Funding, Business Loan Company.
We provide funding in various sectors such as: Real Estate, Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining, Agriculture, Hotels, Restaurants, Casinos, Energy Projects, Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities, Bridge Loans, Business Loans etc. Could be early stage, startup, joint ventures, partnerships and we do total completion and investment expansion projects.
We are your preferred destination for all types of financing, business loans, Lease SBLC, Lease Bank Guarantee, International bank guarantee provider & Standby Letter of Credit Provider.
Why Chose Us for Business Loans, LEASE BG & SBLC Providers & Monetization of Bank instrument:
1. We are a Government of Hong Kong Licensed Money Lender that Is LEGALLY REGISTERED in Hong Kong since May 29, 1984, that is 37 years of successful service and excellence.2. we issue BG, DLC and SBLC from world class banks such as Barclays bank London, HSBC Hong Kong, Citi Bank, Credit Suisse, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank or any prime bank of choice.3. We issue BG/SBLC in both USD or Euro Currencies, if you pay in USD we Issue in USD & if you Pay in Euro, we issue in Euro.4. Your Privacy is our Priority, we DO NOT share your data or Business Transactions with third parties.5. Since 1984 till date No Customer has ever had a failed transaction with us. We have 99% SUCCESS RATE.6. Brokers Always Welcomed & Protected against possible circumvention.7. We have solutions for every customer in every industry.8. We are Efficient, Consistent, Transparent & Reliable
9. We are straight to the point10. Experienced and qualified staff
11. Extremely Satisfied Clients
12. No prepayment penalty
13. Fast Approvals Closing
14. No Hidden Fees or charges
Therefore, if you are looking for Lease/Rent Bank Guarantees, SBLC, DLC, L/C or loans and project funding then you have come to the right place. Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.
NOTICE TO BROKERS/AGENTS/COMPANY REPS: We value and appreciate brokers who are direct to their clients. New brokers are welcomed and compensated with between 1% to 2% commission on every deal.
what is Bank instrument, Bank instrument provider, Bank instrument leasing, lease bg/sbl
Here are a few of the many benefits of being a Grand City Investment broker:
- Professional Support for brokers
- Earn between 1% to 2% Commission on Every Deal
- NO Broker Chains, So please Be Direct to your clients
- Brokers are 100% Protected Against Possible Circumvention.
- Wide Range of Financial Instruments to choose from such as SBLC/Bank Guarantee Programs & Monetization Services.
Email: apply@grandcityinvestment.com | grandcityinvestment@protonmail.com
Telephone: +852 8191 7151
Skype: dr.williams09787
Telephone: +852 8191 7151
Skype: dr.williams09787
Bank Guarantee - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 18:04h, 23 June[…] it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument such as bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, bg sblc, getting to the finish line is all that […]
Posted at 02:21h, 25 JuneHello. And Bye.
What is UCP? - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 21:48h, 26 June[…] it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument such as bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, bg sblc, getting to the finish line is all that […]
Proof of Funds (POF) Meaning & Uses of POF - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 16:05h, 07 July[…] Management, Trade Platforms, Private Placement Programs as well as the issuance and monetization of Bank Instruments such as Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Bank Guarantees (BG), Usance LC, Letters of Credit, […]
Genuine Bank Guarantee Provider - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 15:07h, 28 July[…] Bank Instrument: Unlike traditional Letter of Credit, a bank instrument is where the beneficiary obtains payment against papers demonstrating delivery, The SBLC may allow the beneficiary to obtain payment from a financial institution even when the applier for the credit has neglected to perform as per bond, a key principal with this instrument is bank deal only with documents or good, and the bank do not involve themselves in the commitments or contracts between the two parties directly, the advantage of this system is the bank don’t check the reliabilities of the project. […]
Standby Letter of Credit / Bank Guarantee - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 05:40h, 30 July[…] it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument such as bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, bg sblc, getting to the finish line is all that […]
Bank Instruments- BG/SBLC - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 06:38h, 30 July[…] Bank Instruments are financial instruments or documents issued by banks or other financial institutions to a customer or investor and used for different financial purposes and solutions. […]
Bank Guarantee Provider (BG MT760) - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 08:33h, 01 August[…] it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument such as bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, bg sblc, getting to the finish line is all that […]
Mortgage Loan Meaning - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 08:13h, 12 August[…] it comes to issuance, leasing, funding and monetization of any bank instrument such as bank guarantee, standby letter of credit, bg sblc, getting to the finish line is all that […]
genuine bank guarantee provider - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 21:19h, 09 October[…] bank guarantee Provider is a bank or financial institution that provides bank guarantees and other bank financial instruments to its customers for specific purposes. The financial instruments such as bank guarantees and […]
BG & LC In International Trade - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 15:32h, 04 October[…] guarantees are just like any other kind of financial instrument — they can take on a variety of different forms. For instance, direct guarantees are issued by […]
Bank Guarantee (BG) for international trade - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 15:38h, 04 October[…] guarantees are just like any other kind of financial instrument—they can take on a variety of different forms. For instance, direct guarantees are issued by […]
BG Bank Guarantee Provider - Grand City Investment Ltd
Posted at 05:46h, 09 December[…] BG Bank Guarantee Provider is a bank or lending institution that provides bank guarantees and other bank financial instruments to customers for specific purposes. BG builds confidence between the lender and the borrower. It […]