Author: admin

Mortgage Loan Meaning   A mortgage loan or simply mortgage (/ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/) is a loan used either by purchasers of real property to raise funds to buy real estate, or alternatively by existing property owners to raise funds for any purpose while putting a lien on the property being mortgaged. The loan...

Meaning Of Insurance Bond And Its Uses What is an Insurance Bond? An insurance bond, also known as an investment bond, is an insurance-related investment vehicle used primarily in the United Kingdom and Australia. The insurance bond is an investment instrument offered by life insurance companies in the form...

What is International Trade? International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or services. Also known as foreign trade, international trade has been maintained since the dawn of time. Trading goods...

The Meaning and Definition of Foreign Trade or International Trade! Foreign trade or international trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. It is the trading of goods and services that are destined for a country other than their country...